domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Drawing the abstrat

Well, since we already have most of the chapters of our study and although we realize that they still are under construction given that we are reading, rereading and improving them constantly, we are starting to write the abstract of our study.

This is the starting of the possible abstract of our study.

The impact of this kind or work deals with the creation of new environments of a joint curriculum construction, students and teachers’ motivation and expectation, introduction of an innovating methodology and active participation of educational community. It is widely recognized that the second language acquisition learning is one of the most crucial processes in which children are involved from early years.

In order to meet the students’ needs in the 21st century; educators are pressed to create new learning environments to improve the process of second language acquisition in very young learners. The ability to acquire new vocabulary in the target language is considered one of the most crucial skills that students of English as a Second Language need. Based on Morris, C. (2009), language is the foundation of literacy process. And one of the components of emergent literacy is the vocabulary which is the skill to know the names of things. As a result, learners need to be exposed to an abundance of second language vocabulary to participate effectively in communication with others over a lifetime.

This study aims to support the potential impact of technology and a new blended learning in order to expose and enrich L2 vocabulary. The research proposes that through creating a blended course for very young learners, they increase their second language in terms of vocabulary. The thematic modules in the blended course are created taking into account pedagogical and technologic components of the educational exercise to have a better management of the learning environment with a better and permanent comprehension and assimilation of the learning objectives, a better development of communicative skills and consequently, a better social interaction between school and home, with more cooperation.

Key Words: blended learning, second language, vocabulary acquisition, parental involvement.

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